About the Blog

This is a running record of the work Jason and Lena are doing to bring a 1978 VW Bus back to life. She was very close to death's door when we bought her.

We now have a functional vacationmobile that we are taking on adventures. So, this blog has morphed into a travelogue sprinkled with our break-down stories and latest upgrades. Hopefully more of the latter!

Look back in the archive for ALL the work we did to get her where she is today.

Enjoy :)

Suzanne the Van

Suzanne the Van

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Centre Console Time

We decided that Suzanne needed some modern amenities such as cup-holders.

 Can you believe that back in 1978 people did not have a giant coffee with them at all times?  Ah, those were simpler times...

Well, we need our coffee!  So we came up with a plan to create a multi-purpose, vintage looking console/step-stool thingy:

First we painted a grey coloured, salvaged console from a Dodge Caravan brown
Then we dug out an old apple crate we got for free at the recycle depot and mounted the console in it (after reinforcing the crate with screws).  The crate was shipped from Nelson BC - Oh the Synchronicity!

I used left-over curtain material and some old quilt batting I found and quilted in a VW logo in the upholstery
A better view - kind of....It's subtle!
There is another board under the lid that drops into the box to hold the lid in place
Mmmmmm... ready for coffee!!

Old-timey charm
That concludes our re-purposing lesson for today.  We hope you enjoyed it. See you on the flip side!

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