About the Blog

This is a running record of the work Jason and Lena are doing to bring a 1978 VW Bus back to life. She was very close to death's door when we bought her.

We now have a functional vacationmobile that we are taking on adventures. So, this blog has morphed into a travelogue sprinkled with our break-down stories and latest upgrades. Hopefully more of the latter!

Look back in the archive for ALL the work we did to get her where she is today.

Enjoy :)

Suzanne the Van

Suzanne the Van

Sunday, 24 June 2012


We undercoated the the chassis since we will lose access to the lift shortly.
We used truck-bed liner for undercoat.
--According to "Myth-Busters" it is bomb-proof!
One gets a tad bit messy using the schotz gun....
Bond(o) girl!  (I know, it's undercoat not bondo....)
Wrapped up lift
Wheel arch
'nother one
Front under carriage

I have to say, I'll be glad when the second coat is done and I don't have to muck with that stuff any longer! 

So long, and thanks for all the fish :-)

More Metal

Got the last metal patches for the passenger side done!

Metal is in

Ground down and ready for bondo!
Floor is patched too and ready for the grinder

Some drivetrain painting

Sadly the left wheel cylinder decided to start leaking while Suzanne was on the hoist.  Both are new now.  Better on the lift than on the road though!

Drip Drip Drip

All Better!

Got the transmission and axles painted.
(just need a couple transmission seals now and it's good to go)

I'm pretty sure that it will make Suzanne go faster!



Thursday, 14 June 2012

Show N' Shine!

Well, we had a show to enter Suzanne in (for a good cause!)
Luckily there was an "Under Construction" category.
Here are some pics:
The cushions fit!

Nice License Plate!

Side View


Comfy :)

Nice Shifter, eh?

Seats and console