About the Blog

This is a running record of the work Jason and Lena are doing to bring a 1978 VW Bus back to life. She was very close to death's door when we bought her.

We now have a functional vacationmobile that we are taking on adventures. So, this blog has morphed into a travelogue sprinkled with our break-down stories and latest upgrades. Hopefully more of the latter!

Look back in the archive for ALL the work we did to get her where she is today.

Enjoy :)

Suzanne the Van

Suzanne the Van

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


We have started mocking up the bed and roof to make sure all the brakets are in the correct place before we paint.  Then the roof will get some repairs.

Not a Westy bed but it's the one she came with.  A home-made tin-top conversion
And again
Seems comfy enough

Jason's brackets are better than the straps and screws that held it down before.
J can't wait to get the front bracket in
Not sitting just right yet, will needs some adjustments for sure.

Filled in the mess so this part will look pretty (it's visible when the ice-box is in)
Filled in this part too.

And this part....

We are waiting on the nose- it should be here soon.  We have to finish filler on the doors, the nose and and a couple of spots on the room.  Then I can get dusty with primer instead of bondo.  Sigh...

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